A coffee keurig is a single-cup brewing system that uses pre-measured and pre-packaged coffee pods to create a cup of hot coffee in less than a minute. These machines are popular in office settings because they can produce cups of coffee more quickly and with a lower level of waste than traditional drip-coffee makers. They also provide a high level of consistency, since brew time only depends on the specific flavor and amount of water used.
The Keurig company was founded in 1992 and launched its first brewing systems and K-Cups in 1998. The company was bought by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters in 2006 and has since seen enormous growth. Keurig has since introduced a wide range of brewer models and K-Cup sizes.
Despite their popularity, the K-Cup and Keurig brewers are not without issues. The main problem is that the machine guzzles water for each pod, which can lead to costly refills and a hefty utility bill. Moreover, the fact that K-Cups are made from plastic (although Keurig claims their pods are recyclable) leads to massive amounts of waste.
Fortunately, there are alternatives to the Keurig brewing system that can offer similar convenience and a lower environmental impact. For example, both Steeped Coffee and Swift Coffee make high-quality instant coffee by freeze-drying whole bean coffee and then grinding it to precise specifications. These products are more expensive than a typical Keurig cup, but they can be a good choice for offices that want to reduce waste and save money on their brewing costs.