Jack Stauber Lyrics – Coffee

Jack Stauber’s most famous episode of the SHOP mini-series, Coffee is considered to be one of his best works to date. The episode and song have since become very popular for fans on social media, especially for its message of addiction and self-control. It follows the protagonist looking for the fifth item on his list, being coffee, and running into a woman with a highly caffeinated personality who claims that she’s an addict herself.

The woman is portrayed as a talking coffee mug, which was probably inspired by an old October 2017 art that was posted on Jack’s Plopscotch account. It’s also possible that the high pitched lyrics were inspired by this same piece of art, as it was an era in which Jack went through a period of drawing inanimate objects with very realistic mouths. In the end, the protagonist realizes his problem and buys a bag of decaf coffee to avoid the addictive qualities that come with caffeine.